Lens Artists Photo Challenge #226 – Textures

This week Jude challenged us to capture Textures.

When I think of textures, there are so many textures around us in nature. Seashells and plants to name a few.

Here are some beautiful seashells from Melbourne Florida that show a ton of texture. The sky was pretty dramatic, so you can even see texture there.

When I think of texture, I also think of macro photographs. These typically show a ton of texture.

I visited Atlanta Botanical Gardens and the Alice in Wonderland display showed all kinds of textures with the different organic materials.

Textures give such depth to a photo. I love capturing textures!



9 thoughts on “Lens Artists Photo Challenge #226 – Textures

  1. Heyjude says:

    That shell beach photo is excellent. I wish I could find shells on the beaches near where I live, but I must be looking on the wrong ones! Or perhaps they are all been washed up on yours 😁 And yes, macros do bring out the detail of a subject that so often you miss from afar. Thank you for joining me in this challenge.
    Jude xx

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